Thursday 30 June 2016

Certificate for doing your job!

At a meeting of the Council on 7th June 2016 Cllr Hudson was given a Certificate for doing his job. Cllr Hudson attended 100% of all meetings he was summonsed too.

As part of the reporting at the end of the municipal year councillor attendance at meetings is reviewed. Congratulations go to Cllr T Hudson for being the only councillor to have 100% attendance at all meetings he was summoned to. A certificate was presented to Cllr T Hudson

Of course this secretive Parish Council doesn't publish the report on councillor attendances.

As part of their job a Parish Councillor has to attend meetings this is why they are summoned to attend. If a councillor doesn't attend they should send their apologies beforehand. Sending apologies doesn't "reset the clock" as to the 6 months rule.

I find it strange that a certificate is issued to a councillor because they are doing their basic job right.