Thursday, 29 June 2017

What a waste of a Special Council Meeting!

John Vickery summoned the remaining Parish Councillors to a Special Council Meeting to be held on 20th June 2017. The main reason was to approve the Annual Return which must be approved by 30th June 2017.

The outcome was the approval of the Annual Return was delayed until at least 4th July 2017 after the cut off date.

Ron says:What was the point of this Special Council Meeting. The item was deferred to 4th July meeting. The only reason I can think of is: by getting the Council to defer the approval of the Annual Return it is now the Councillors fault and not that of John Vickery. This is basic administration and is going very wrong.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Simon Crocker on what the new Chairman must do!

Simon Crocker has stood down as Chairman of the Parish Council and, subsequently, resigned as a Parish Councillor. He left the Chairmanship with 11 "Pearls of Wisdom".

Lets look at these "Pearls of Wisdom":

This is wrong. The purpose of the Chairman is to chair the meetings of the Council. It is a simple as that. The Chairman is not the leader of the Council. Nor is he an executive leader taking decisions on his own. 

This is very TRUE.

Hmmm. Back in 2015, as Chairman, Simon Crocker decided not to use his casting vote to make decisions.

This is very TRUE.

Also TRUE.

Also TRUE. 

Here we go. Cambourne Town Council with a Town Mayor and all the regalia. Why? Must be Cambourne wants to become a big Council. Ron says NO.

Also TRUE.

This is wrong. The whole point of having a Committee system is these are powerful committees which are needed. Otherwise don't have committees and do everything through the Council.

Oh the Parish Plan. I can see why the Parish Plan needs pushing through as there are some large expenditures in this plan. 

In his day job Simon Crocker is the Parish Clerk for Caldecote Parish Council. Of course he would want John Vickery to keep his job. The last thing the Council should do is make John Vickery a CEO. Not something that is recognised in law. And NO to the Town Council.

And they are off.....

Both Simon Crocker and Jenni Sawford have resigned as Parish Councillors. Another couple of co-options on the cards.

Monday, 5 June 2017

The General Election 2017

The General Election has been a bit of a rollercoaster. At the start the Conservatives had a 24% lead in the polls over Labour. This looked like a landslide for the Conservatives. The polls were likely to tighten over the election campaign as the Labour tribe started to come behind Corbyn.

The Conservatives seemed to be running a "give them enough rope" election by staying pretty silent and letting Labour et al do the work for the Conservatives. The big problem came with their manifesto and the so-called "Dementia Tax". Yet the "Dementia Tax" is an option for the way forward in paying for "Social Care".

In South Cambridgeshire Heidi-Hi should win. I predict this will be with a reduced majority. The Liberal Democrats have been fighting a better campaign carrying on from the Mayoral Election where the Liberal Democrats came first under some calculations. If you want to give Heidi-Hi the old Heave-Ho then vote Liberal Democrat.

Who am I voting for. I will be voting Liberal Democrat. For one reason. I want my MP to have substantial roots in the community they serve. Heidi has a rented house in Steeple Morden paid out of parliamentary expenses whilst jointly owning a house in London and a house in St. Albans. Her business is in Welham Green. Whilst Heidi has a house in the constituency it is on the boundary and nearest in the constituency to her properties and business.

Terrorists for Jez.

After the Manchester bombing some of the Corbynistas thought the Conservative Government had done all this to give the Conservatives a boost in the polls. How about this for an alternative scenario. Jez has terrorist friends in Hamas, Hezbollah, IRA to name a few. Jez wants to get out of wars and conflicts and get rid of our armed forces. Jez doesn't want a "shoot to kill" policy. The terrorists may therefore think that Jez is their man. Get Jez in power and the UK becomes impudent. When Cameron wanted to bomb Syria because Assad was gassing his own people the UK parliament said no and then so did the US. Knock the UK out and other will follow.

I'm not saying Jeremy Corbyn or Labour is co-ordinating terrorists. What I am saying is the Islamic Terrorists, looking at this election, could see that Jez as PM would be a boon for them out in the rest of the world as the UK and the other nations retreat from intervening in foreign countries.

The General Election result.

The Conservatives will win. By how much is the question. It isn't beyond reason that Theresa would end up with a majority of 12. I predict the percentage numbers will be Conservatives on 45% and Labour on 31%. This will give the Conservatives a majority of @100.

South Cambs will be retained by the Conservatives.
Cambridge will be retained by Labour.