The Parish Council seems to be up in arms that our County Council representative Mervyn Loynes has not attended a few meetings.
At the Parish Council meeting held on 4th November 2014 the following was minuted:
County Cllr Mervyn Loynes was in attendance. Cllr Loynes introduced himself to new members and gave his apologies for being unable to attend over the last few months for personal reasons. He has requested that either Cllr Mandy Smith or Cllr John Reynolds attend in his place if he is unable to attend in the future.
It was:
RESOLVED that the report be received and that Cllr Mandy Smith be requested to attend future Parish Council meetings in Cllr Loynes absence.
At the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd December 2014 the following was minuted:
No apologies for absence had been received. Concern was raised that Cllr Mervyn Loynes had agreed at the previous meeting to request that Cllr Mandy Smith attend in his absence.
It was:
RESOLVED that Cllr Mandy Smith be sent a calendar of meetings.
District Cllr Alison Elcox was in attendance.
Cllr Elcox reported that she will check that Cllr Loynes has requested that Cllr Smith attend the Parish Council meetings.
RESOLVED .....and will contact Cllr Mandy Smith regarding attending Cambourne Parish Council
meetings in Cllr Loynes absence.
The Parish Council seems upset that Mervyn can't be bothered to turn up to Parish Council meetings. The suggestion that Mandy Smith should come along instead has been taken up. CPC is going to send Mandy a calendar of meetings but Mandy hasn't said she would agree to attend.
Ron says: Cambourne Parish Council is getting very uppity over Mervyns non appearance at their meetings. I feel CPC is wrong on this matter. If Mervyn wants to come along to a meeting that is up to him. If he wishes to find a substitute then that is up to Mervyn. It is not for the Parish Council to get involved in this. If CPC wants to know what is going on at County there is a website plus their own members could go to County meetings and report back.
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