Wednesday 26 July 2017

Parish clerk to CEO

In his valedictory sermon as Chairman of CPC, Simon Crocker said the following:

What is a CEO. Checking Google I found a CEO = Chief Executive Officer. What Simon is calling for is a pumped up title for what is a Parish Clerk or even a Town Clerk. I can understand why SCDC has a Chief Executive in charge of running a council which collects the rubbish, Council Housing and Planning amongst other service. What I cannot understand is why call John Vickery a Chief Executive for someone who is in charge of cutting the grass.

Ron says: There is nothing wrong with being the Clerk. It is a good job and good description of the job. Changing the job title to CEO is just pumping up the job title. Next, we may hear calls for a CEO pay packet. The Deputy Parish Clerk would become Deputy CEO. The Office Administrator would become the Office Manager and the Head Groundsman would become the Leisure Manager. This is a parish council not a District Council.

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